#46 new
Daniel Yokomizo

Slow test warning ignores configuration

Reported by Daniel Yokomizo | May 19th, 2010 @ 08:04 PM

I configured the warning (via Preferences) to 50000ms but tests still have warnings on them (even after cleaning the project, restarting eclipse, closing and opening the project) with times smaller than the configuration.

Here's my installation configuration::

Eclipse Galileo, build id=20100218-1602

AnyEditTools AnyEditTools.feature.group Bytecode Outline 2.2.12 de.loskutov.BytecodeOutline.feature.feature.group Click Close Eclipse Plugin 2.0.0 com.hlsoft.clickclose.feature.feature.group CollabNet Merge Client 2.0.1 com.collabnet.subversion.merge.feature.feature.group Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee Extended VS Presentation EclipseSkins.feature.group FileSync FileSync.feature.group Infinitest 5.1.78 org.infinitest.eclipse.feature.feature.group JDepend4Eclipse 1.2.1 JDepend4Eclipse.feature.group JNA Library 3.2.3 com.sun.jna.feature.group Maven Integration for Eclipse (Required) org.maven.ide.eclipse.feature.feature.group Subclipse (Required) 1.6.10 org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.feature.group Subclipse Integration for Mylyn 3.x (Optional) 3.0.0 org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.mylyn.feature.group Subversion Client Adapter (Required) 1.6.10 org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.feature.feature.group Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.javahl.feature.feature.group Subversion Revision Graph 1.0.7 org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.graph.feature.feature.group SVNKit Client Adapter (Not required) 1.6.10 org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.svnkit.feature.feature.group SVNKit Library org.tmatesoft.svnkit.feature.group

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